Sunday, April 30, 2017

Louisiana Books to Prisoners

April community service hours: 14
Spring Semester total community service hours: 30

2016-2017 Academic year total community service hours: 80

I recently saw a documentary about the Louisiana criminal justice system, and it made me want to help those who fell on the wrong side. Louisiana has an exceptionally large prison population, exceptionally cruel prisons, and many offenders are there for non-violent crimes. Everyone should have something to read, even the violent ones. So, I spent my last two weekends with the Louisiana books to prisoners program.

I was hoping to visit a chain gang, or walk through a tier of prison cells. However, my duties at this volunteer job were just much less harrowing.

There is an efficient system of work flow that starts with picking up one of the letters requesting books. No jailhouse confessions, or coded messages here. The letters were each just a list of three book categories. I was a little disappointed that nobody requested a pharmacology text or any type of science book. They usually just wanted some fiction books or mystery novels. The next step is to head over to the book shelves. The donated and used books are organized into categories. There are books on food, art, and geography, but most of them are suspense novels. That worked because that is what the prisoners want. So after selecting three books, the titles and destination get written on an "invoice form." Then the books and form are rubber-banded together and placed in a que where the shipping labels are printed.

Once that is done, the next step was to wrap the three books with the invoice, and then apply the shipping label. The "wrapping paper" is actually cut brown paper grocery bags. They are surprising tough, and recycling is always good. So that is how they are shipped... three books, rubber banded together, wrapped in grocery bag paper, and then taped closed with a shipping label stuck to the outside. The only other task was haul in boxes of donated books, unpack them, and sort them onto the appropriate shelves. I gravitated toward that last part because it was more physical.

I repeated the above processes over and over... for over three hours straight, on both days of two weekends. I would not want to work a job like this, but it feels good to think that I contributed to this effort that allows the prisoners some relief from their situation, to escape from behind the prison walls, into the pages of a book.

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Environmental Pharm soil sample collection

April community service hours: 
Spring Semester total community service hours
2016-2017 Academic year total community service hours:

Community Service Hours from this activity: 1
Total Hours for Spring Semester 17
2016-2017 Academic year total community service hours: 67

Environmental Pharmacology has been an interesting course. Dr. McLachlan has a lot of knowlege and enthusiasm for the subject. He has made us all aware of the multiple and extensive environmental estrogens that we are exposed to. 

One of the course lecturers, Professor Howard Mielke studies lead levels in soil around the New Orleans area, and we were invited to assist with his project. 

The assignment was to go out and collect three soil samples from a children's play area. I went to a small playground near downtown and collected my samples. 

During the class time, Dr. Mielke used a portable device to scan and detect lead levels from a few of the samples. My samples tested very low, and he hypothesized that the soil I collected was placed at the playground during a recent rebuilding project. 

This is are some pictures of the location I chose, and the three sampled spots.

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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Past the NBME Shelf Exam

      We're still waiting on scores, so my evaluation of this experience my change retroactively depending the result.
      It was interesting to look back at the early material. Concepts that seemed foreign when we started, now seem like common sense. I feel confident about the shelf exam. However, I know that I missed a few easy ones. They came to me in the few minutes after the exam had ended. Now the correct answers are stuck in my head forever. Hopefully I'll get to put them to use on another exam in the near future.
      I recently started doing research with a local biotech company. At my application interview, the team spoke about some drugs that they were investigating. I knew what those drugs were, so I could follow and participate in the conversation. I would not have been able to do that a year ago.
      That test definitely was the climax of this program, but we still have some coursework ahead of  us. Endocrine pharmacology started out slow, but is finally getting into some hard science. This week we discussed the impact of stress on neural networks involved in memory formation. That may be something to consider when using sypathomimetics or anxiolytics. Advances in pharmacology and cardio biology are moving away from clinical medicine in into areas of mechanistic research. Cell control mechanisms also focuses on chemical mechanisms. It is interesting observe how this shift affects my classmates. The scores on our recent cellular control exam were particular demonstrative of the different backgrounds and approaches the current students take to pharmacology. Some of the top students in Med Pharm, received the lowest scores in cell control. That was surprising because those topics seemed central to understanding how drugs work. However, I think some of those students tend to focus on clinical presentations and less on cellular mechanisms.
      Environmental pharmacology has been a difficult test of endurance for me due to the two hours of lecture back to back. I think sitting through lectures is something students have started to move away from and instead shift to newer mediums. I am really looking forward to our upcoming hands-on environmental project. I know that will grab my attention more.